Community Involvement:

  • Members of the Holmes County Historical Society and Holmes County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Bureau
  • Supporter of the Millersburg Lion’s Club, providing vision exams and glasses for folks who need assistance and the uninsured.
  • Realeyes Presenters: This is an early education program through the Ohio Optometric Association that is presented at Head Start and Elementary Schools in Holmes County to teach about the importance of vision health.
  • Sponsors of Holmes County Park District sports teams
  • 4H supporter and helped sponsor the new Holmes County Fairgrounds at Harvest Ridge
  • Holmes County “Share a Christmas”
  • Vision USA volunteers, providing vision care to working families who do not qualify for government assistance. This program is sponsored by the American Optometric Association.
  • Volunteers with VOSH/International. VOSH stands for Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity.
  • Members of Home Owned, Home Grown, Holmes County Businesses
  • Associated with American Cancer Society Relay for Life

Dr James and Holly Conway went to Romania in 2012 and 2015 with VOSH Ohio ( Here are some pictures from their trips:

Dr. James and Holly have now gone to Romania in 2012, 2015, and 2019. Dr. James also went to the Dominican Republic in 2018 and 2020 to do eye exams and fit glasses.

Family Eyecare Associates is an active participant in RealEyes – Through the Ohio Optometric Association.

Realeyes provides education about eye anatomy, eye safety and eye disorders. This contributes to the improvement of the health of Ohioans by fostering relationships between school communities and eye doctors. This lowers barriers and provides access to information about eye and vision care. To learn more visit their Website: RealEyes